Saturday, 19 May 2007

Coconut Fibre (Nata De Coco)

Date Purchased:
March 2005
Purchased From:
Adelaide Chinatown
Ok this was the bomb! I'm not sure it can really be called a drink. It has liquid in it but the true joy of this is is the jellied coconut pulp. If you've ever had a Bubble Tea with jelly then this is the type of jelly that's in it. The jelly is coconut and it's sweet, chewy and tastes like coconut. Secondly it comes with a spoon too another reason why you may not consider this a drink. This is an excellent something to do munchy food as you can chew on the bits for a couple of minutes kind of like bubble gum. Now you can drink the sweet coconut flavored liquid but you'll probably be on the walls as it's pretty sweet. Either way I loved this stuff. 9/10!!! .

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